Many people have certainly never heard of a winter expansion float before in their lives. And that may be nothing strange. Because there are people who do not know about this useful thing. In other words, there are no garden pools that cannot be hidden from the frost.

Indeed, inflatable floats could be used elsewhere, and could easily be sunk anywhere. Because that is where they are in their element.
From late spring to late fall, we can do just fine without this invention. For example, it can easily be placed in a shed somewhere without maintenance. And you won\’t be too angry if you don\’t think about it until you need it in the early winter. He would forgive you if you froze all winter and then were only “dumped” again and not even allowed to splash around during the most pleasant time of the year. Indeed,
extended floats are usedto keep undrained outdoor pools from crackingduring the winter. As anyone who has left a more fragile water container outdoors in sub-zero temperatures knows, ice has a “vicious” tendency and is strong enough to crack the ice. And it would easily have done the same in a swimming pool if it had not been thwarted by some
inflatable float that does not mind the prevailing frost at all. It shouldn\’t be, since it is made of flexible, durable plastic. Andwhen immersed in the water of a sub-zero outdoor pool, it succumbs to the expansion of the ice and absorbs its force. Thus, the ice “works” on the float and no longer has the power to destroy the pool, and the expansion float (or rather, multiple expansion floats) allows the pool to survive the winter unscathed.
And we wait impatiently for the water to warm up enough to swim in the spring. That is not fair. Because by the time the sun-warmed water is beautifully warm and swimmable, the inflated floats will have to come out again. They cannot enjoy it with us as much as we enjoy it because of them.
So the world is reciprocal.